Mace lockpicks

I received my new Mace picks from Sparrows lock picks this afternoon. I’m looking forward to practicing with them.

Creatively Exposing Your Business to Risk

There are many ways a business can be exposed to risks and some of them can seem like great ideas. While I visiting a retail location recently, I noticed this sign.     The agency’s commitment to resource conservation is commendable and their creative approach seems to empower all customers while lowering the social bar… Continue reading Creatively Exposing Your Business to Risk

Value of Architecture – Post 1

Business solutions can be described from different views.  Architecturally these views can be generated as conceptual, logical and physical.  Each of these layers considers business in different terms.  These views can and should be considered holistically to gain a fuller understanding of the business. Another way we can generate views of the business is to… Continue reading Value of Architecture – Post 1